Anti-wrinkle treatments

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Anti-wrinkle injections Camberwell, Melbourne

Our anti-wrinkle injections target those pesky lines and wrinkles that go beyond just a crease in the skin. They work beneath the surface, focusing on the muscles responsible for creating those unwanted lines on your face. By temporarily immobilizing these muscles, we can prevent them from forming wrinkles.

Rest assured, our treatments are completely safe and have been trusted by qualified medical professionals for years. It’s a non-invasive way to reduce or even eliminate wrinkles without the need for surgery.

The effectiveness of your wrinkle injection treatment will depend on various factors, such as your skin type, age, and the severity of your wrinkles. Whether you’re seeking prevention or treatment, our practitioners will recommend the best products tailored to your specific needs. We only use top-quality brands to ensure you get the results you desire.

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Our treatments

Anti-wrinkle injections Camberwell


Forehead lift

Looking to smooth out that pesky frown line between your eyebrows? Or maybe give your brows a little pick-me-up? Anti-wrinkle injections can do just that by targeting specific muscles in your forehead. Want to accentuate those beautiful brow arches or fix any asymmetry? Anti-wrinkle injections can help with that too!

Frown Lines Anti Wrinkle Treatment


Frown lines

At Cityskin, treating frown lines is a common procedure we offer. We use anti-wrinkle injections to smooth out frown lines. Results start showing in about 5 days and typically last around 3 months, as long as the right amount of units are used. 

Frown lines are caused by the repetitive movements of the glabella muscles. The stronger the muscle, the deeper the line, requiring more units to relax the muscle. Sometimes, it may take multiple treatments to completely diminish the appearance of frown lines.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections


Crows feet

Crow’s feet, technically known as lateral canthal lines, gradually develop over time and are visible on everyone to some degree. If you’re wondering if you can get rid of them, there are steps and treatments that can help.

 Anti-wrinkle injectables are a common way to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet. Although they don’t completely eliminate them, they come close to being a wrinkle-eraser!

 By injecting small amounts of muscle relaxant into the area, these injections help relax the muscle that causes crow’s feet. While it may take up to two weeks to see the full results, the effects can last for about 4 months on average.

Botox for Your Frown or Glabella Lines


Bunny lines

Do you ever notice those cute little lines that appear on your nose when you scrunch it up? They’re called bunny lines, and they show up when you smile or laugh. Bunny lines are caused by repetitive movements of the facial muscles as we get older.

 Just like smoker’s lines and forehead wrinkles, bunny lines are another type of expression line that forms around the nose when you make certain facial expressions. They look like tiny fan-shaped lines that stretch from the side of your nose to your eyes. You can see these lines in action when you flare your nostrils or make big smiles. 

 To help smooth out bunny lines, doctors can inject anti-wrinkle injections into the muscles around your nose. This treatment targets the muscles that cause the lines and wrinkles, giving you immediate results that improve over time. The effects typically last up to four months, aiming to weaken or paralyze the muscle responsible for those pesky bunny lines.

lips before and after injection


Lip flip

Say goodbye to thin lips with a revolutionary anti-wrinkle injection! By strategically injecting this magic elixir into the muscles around the mouth, your lips will be transformed. In just a few minutes, your upper lip will be flipped up, giving the illusion of fuller lips without any filler. It may sound simple, but it’s actually quite an art to place each injection just right. 

 The key is to target only the outer layers of muscle around the lips. When done correctly, the injection relaxes the muscles just enough to make the upper lip pop out, giving you that coveted full-lip look. So, pucker up and get ready to flaunt those voluminous lips!

Gummy Smile


Gummy smile

If your gummy smile is caused by a short upper lip or overactive muscles, don’t fret! There are medi-aesthetic solutions available that can help reduce the appearance of your gums when you smile, without the need for surgery. Your smile should be radiant, not make you feel self-conscious. Keep reading to discover more about gummy smile and the treatment options available that can help.

Anti-wrinkle injections are a fantastic solution for those with a gummy smile due to overactive muscles around the upper lip. By targeting these muscles with injections, they are relaxed, reducing the amount of gum shown when you smile. These injections can last for up to 12 months, are quick and non-invasive, and require no recovery time. Get ready to show off your perfect smile!

Anti-Wrinkle Injections


Jaw slimming

Having a defined jawline is often due to strong masseter muscles, known as the ‘chewing muscles’. Jaw slimming injections help by relaxing these muscles, giving your face a softer appearance. This relaxed jawline can make you look more approachable and friendly.

 Anti-wrinkle injections, commonly used to reduce fine lines, can also be used to soften the jawline. These treatments are quick and easy to undergo in a doctor’s office, usually taking less than an hour. A muscle relaxant is injected into the masseter muscles using a thin needle, causing minimal discomfort. The relaxant blocks nerve signals to the muscles, leading to a more relaxed and softer jawline.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections


Chin dimpling

As we age, our face can lose bone and soft tissue, causing the chin to look less smooth and bobbly. When talking, chin dimpling can become more noticeable, especially with certain movements.

 Chin dimples are caused by the contraction of the mentalis muscle, which can create a crease on the chin and give it a more masculine look.

 To treat chin dimpling, the first line of treatment is antiwrinkle injections. For even better results, dermal filler injections may also be used.

Tiny injections with a super fine needle are made into the chin area to target the muscles responsible for the dimpling.

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